High-Speed S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System - Versatile and Accurate

Short description

The S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System is a top-quality, high-speed labeling solution for various packaging containers. It offers:

  • High-speed label insertion: Ensuring efficient, rapid labeling and increased production rates.
  • Patented negative pressure film buffer mechanism: Offering smooth label transport by preventing label misalignment plus broad compatibility with different label types.
  • Servo-controlled cutting mechanism: Providing precise label cuts for accurate placement, eliminating additional post-labeling processes.
  • Wide compatibility: Suitable for packaging containers of different materials and shapes, adjustable to various diameters, heights, and curvatures.

Overall, the S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System guarantees superb performance, efficiency, and productivity in packaging operations.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System - High-Speed, Accurate, and Versatile

The S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System is an exceptional solution that offers high-speed automatic sleeve label insertion, suitable for packaging containers of various materials and shapes. Engineered to deliver precision and efficiency, our system uses a patented negative pressure film buffer mechanism and a servo-controlled cutting mechanism. This ensures a smooth, stable process for label transportation, cutting, and ejection, resulting in unparalleled performance.

Key Features

  • High-speed label insertion for seamless operations
  • Patented negative pressure film buffer mechanism for stable processes
  • Servo-controlled cutting mechanism enabling precise and accurate cuts
  • Perfect for packaging containers made of diverse materials and shapes

Optimal Performance and Value

Our S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System signifies an optimal intersection of performance and cost-effectiveness. Experience superior labeling accuracy and operational speed with our innovative system designed to cater to diverse industries and their unique packaging needs.


  • Location: Guangzhou

Endless Application

The S30 Shrink Sleeve Labeling System caters to a broad spectrum of industries including food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical markets. Its versatility allows packagers to enjoy flexibility, efficient performance and rapid labeling capabilities for high volume production.

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