Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 | Reliable & Efficient

Short description
  • Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200: A reliable and efficient laboratory balance suitable for a variety of applications. It has a weighing capacity of 8200u00acu2020g with a resolution of 1u00acu2020g, providing precise and accurate measurements.
  • AC/DC Input: The balance features an AC/DC input of 120 V AC, making it compatible with different power sources.
  • Plug Type: US 3-pin plug for easy connectivity.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

The Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 is a highly reliable and efficient laboratory balance and weighing balance suitable for a range of applications. With a weighing capacity of 8200u00acu2020g and a resolution of 1u00acu2020g, this balance provides precise and accurate measurements for various weighing needs. Whether it is in a research facility or a laboratory, the Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 is designed to deliver consistent and dependable results.

This balance features a touchscreen interface for easy and intuitive operation. The user-friendly touchscreen simplifies the process of weighing and delivers efficient results. With a durable construction, the Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 can withstand the demanding environment of a laboratory or research facility.

Designed with portability in mind, this balance has a portable and compact design, making it easy to store and transport when necessary. Its automatic shut-off feature conserves power by automatically turning off after a period of inactivity. This feature ensures that power is not wasted when the balance is not in use.

The Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 is equipped with a large and clear display, allowing for easy reading of measurements even from a distance. This feature enhances user convenience and reduces the likelihood of errors. Furthermore, the balance offers multiple weighing units including grams, ounces, and pounds, providing versatility and allowing users to choose the unit that best suits their needs and preferences.

Overall, the Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 is a reliable and efficient weighing solution for laboratories and research facilities. Its high weighing capacity, precise resolution, and user-friendly interface make it a valuable tool for accurate measurements. Its durability, portability, and automatic shut-off feature contribute to its functionality and convenience. Choose the Ohausu00ae Scoutu00ae STX Touchscreen Balance Model STX8200 for all your weighing needs.

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