MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor - Essential Tool for hsa-miR-4445-3p Regulation Research

Short description

MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor, Human hsa-miR-4445-3p – A Pioneering Tool in microRNA Research

  • Synonyms: Recognized as hsa-miR-4445*, Tough Decoy, or TuD.
  • Composition: Principally composed of hsa-miR-4445-3p, a pivotal ingredient in microRNA inhibition.
  • Quick Reference Code: Use the product code HLTUD1435 for quick location.
  • Additional Knowledge: To gain broader insights, refer to MSDS, related scientific papers, technical documents, and similar products under the code HLTUD1435.

The MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor revolutionizes inhibition research of microRNA hsa-miR-4445-3p. Largely valued in biochemistry labs, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries due to its demonstrated effectiveness, it continues to gain industry presence. Owing to its unique feature that aids in microRNA hsa-miR-4445-3p research, its usage displays substantial growth. However, its chemical formula and CAS number remain undisclosed due to the absence of such information up to September 2021.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor, Human hsa-miR-4445-3p - A Groundbreaking Tool for microRNA Regulation Research

Enter a new era of microRNA research with our state-of-the-art MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor. This specialized product is painstakingly designed to regulate hsa-miR-4445-3p in human cells. Our tool employs a synthetic RNA molecule that binds and captures hsa-miR-4445-3p, restraining its interaction with vital endogenous target genes.

Why Choose the MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor?

  • A highly specific and effective method to inhibit hsa-miR-4445-3p activity in human cells.
  • Optimized as a Tough Decoy (TuD) construct for competitive binding and sequestration of hsa-miR-4445-3p.
  • An invaluable resource for studying hsa-miR-4445-3p's biological processes, functions, and downstream impacts.
  • Extensively validated and trialed across diverse human cell lines.
  • Superior potency and stability due to its lentiviral delivery mechanism.

Understanding the Product

The MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor consists of a synthetic RNA molecule, carefully structured to mimic the target binding sites of hsa-miR-4445-3p. These near-perfect resemblances trick and bind with hsa-miR-4445-3p, keeping it away from its true endogenous target genes. With this excellent crafting, the hsa-miR-4445-3p Tough Decoy construct offers high potency and stability, providing reliable inhibition of hsa-miR-4445-3p's activity within human cells.

Product Details

The MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor can be easily identified by its unique product code HLTUD1435 for a seamless and effortless ordering process.

Resources at Your Disposal

  • The MSDS offers a complete guide for safe handling of the product
  • Peer-reviewed papers featuring the use of MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor are easily accessible.
  • The product comes with a detailed technical literature explaining the product, its usage, and protocol.
  • More microRNA regulation study products from our inventory are available.

Type the product code HLTUD1435 on our website to dive deeper into these resources and unravel more about the MISSION Lenti microRNA Inhibitor.

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