MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b - Highly efficient and specific gene silencing tool

Short description

Key Features:

  • MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b – Highly efficient and specific gene silencing tool
  • Specifically designed to target mouse Polr1b gene
  • Efficiently silences the expression of Polr1b
  • Enables study of Polr1b-related functions and mechanisms
  • Ideal for biological and disease models
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b - Highly efficient and specific gene silencing tool

The MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b is a highly effective and specific tool for silencing the expression of the Polr1b gene. As an essential component of the RNA polymerase I complex, Polr1b plays a crucial role in the transcription of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. By targeting and inhibiting the expression of Polr1b, this esiRNA allows researchers to investigate the functions, mechanisms, and pathways associated with Polr1b in a variety of biological and disease models.

Key Features:

  • Specifically designed for targeting mouse Polr1b: The MISSION® esiRNA is specifically designed to target the mouse Polr1b gene, ensuring highly specific and efficient gene silencing.
  • Silences the expression of Polr1b efficiently: This esiRNA effectively reduces the expression of Polr1b, allowing researchers to investigate the effects of its knockdown on cellular processes and gene expression.
  • Allows studying Polr1b-related functions and mechanisms: By silencing Polr1b, researchers can explore the various functions, mechanisms, and pathways associated with this gene, shedding light on its role in cellular processes and disease development.
  • Ideal for biological and disease models: The MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b is suitable for use in a wide range of biological and disease models, including cell culture systems, animal models, and disease-specific cell lines.

The MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b provides a powerful tool for studying the functions, mechanisms, and pathways associated with this essential component of the RNA polymerase I complex. By effectively silencing the expression of Polr1b, researchers can gain valuable insights into its role in cellular processes and disease development. This esiRNA is manufactured using high-quality materials and undergoes rigorous quality control processes to ensure reliable and reproducible results.

Key Features Summary:

  • Specifically designed for targeting mouse Polr1b
  • Silences the expression of Polr1b efficiently
  • Allows studying Polr1b-related functions and mechanisms
  • Ideal for biological and disease models

Storage and Stability:

The MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b is shipped at room temperature to ensure its stability during transit. Upon arrival, it is advised to store the esiRNA at -20°C to maintain its optimal performance. When stored under proper conditions, the esiRNA is stable for at least 12 months, allowing researchers to utilize it for multiple experiments over an extended period.

For more information on the MISSION® esiRNA targeting mouse Polr1b, including its Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, and other similar products, please refer to the provided EMU054771 code.

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