MISSION® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1: High-Quality siRNA for Efficient Gene Silencing

Short description

MISSION® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1 is a high-quality siRNA product specifically designed to efficiently silence the expression of the PIDD1 gene in human cells. PIDD1, also known as p53-induced death domain protein 1, is a crucial regulator of cell death and apoptosis. By targeting PIDD1, this esiRNA enables researchers to study its role in various cellular processes. Validated for knockdown efficiency, this product is suitable for gene expression analysis, target validation, and functional genomics.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

Mission® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1: High-Quality siRNA for Efficient Gene Silencing

  • Specifically designed to silence human PIDD1 gene expression
  • High-quality siRNA product for efficient knockdown
  • Allows for the study of the role of PIDD1 in cellular processes
  • Validated for knockdown efficiency
  • Suitable for gene expression analysis, target validation, and functional genomics


MISSION® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1 is a powerful molecular biology tool designed to efficiently silence the expression of the PIDD1 gene in human cells. PIDD1, also known as p53-induced death domain protein 1, plays a crucial role in regulating cell death and apoptosis. By targeting PIDD1, this high-quality esiRNA allows researchers to gain insights into the mechanisms and pathways involved in various cellular processes.

Design and Composition

The esiRNA is specifically designed to ensure efficient knockdown of the PIDD1 gene. It is composed of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that are carefully designed to target and degrade the mRNA transcripts of the PIDD1 gene. This unique composition enables highly specific and efficient gene silencing, providing researchers with reliable results.


MISSION® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1 is rigorously validated for knockdown efficiency. Extensive testing is conducted in multiple cell lines to ensure reproducibility and reliability of the product. The validation process confirms that this esiRNA is highly effective in suppressing the expression of the PIDD1 gene in human cells, providing researchers with confidence in their experimental outcomes.


The MISSION® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1 is suitable for a wide range of applications in molecular biology and cellular research:

  • Gene expression analysis: Silencing the PIDD1 gene allows researchers to study the impact of its absence on the expression of other genes and molecular pathways.
  • Target validation: The esiRNA enables researchers to validate PIDD1 as a potential therapeutic target by investigating the phenotypic effects of its knockdown.
  • Functional genomics: Studying PIDD1's role in various cellular processes, including cell death and apoptosis, provides valuable insights into its functional significance.

Additional Information

For further information on MISSION® esiRNA targeting human PIDD1, including Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, and similar products, please visit the product page EHU123881.

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