HPMC - A Multifunctional, Pharmaceutical-Grade Ingredient widely used in Various Industries

Short description

HPMC (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose) is a premium, pharmaceutical-grade raw material derived from plant fibers. Notable for its versatility, it is prominently used as a thickening agent, binder, film former, and stabilizer. HPMC’s unique properties contribute to the viscosity, stability, and dissolution rates of various formulations. Our product is sourced from a cutting-edge facility, complying with top manufacturing quality standards. Sales markets extend globally.

  • Versatile: Serves various industries due to its unique properties.
  • Quality Assured: Adheres to the highest manufacturing standards.
  • Global Sales: Available in North America, Central/South America, Eastern and Western Europe, Australasia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

HPMC: A Versatile Pharmaceutical-Grade Ingredient

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) is a renowned non-ionic cellulose ether stemming from superior quality plant fibers. Its primary roles span across offering binding, thickening, film-forming, and stabilizing properties in numerous pharmaceutical formulations, thus earning its reputation as a pharmaceutical-grade product. The non-ionic nature of HPMC ensures minimized chemical reactions with active ingredients, thereby comprehensively meeting the ever-growing needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

Key Attributes of HPMC:

  • Derived from high-grade plant fibers ensuring authenticity and quality
  • Provides outstanding thickening, binding, film-forming, and stabilizing capabilities, making it apt for a myriad of applications
  • Non-ionic property diminshes the possibility of chemical interactions with active ingredients, boosting its preference in the pharmaceutical realm
  • Endorsed as safe for human consumption
  • Offers extensive applicability in industries including pharmaceuticals, food processing, and cosmetics, among others

Applications of HPMC:

In Pharmaceuticals: As a multifaceted excipient, HPMC's binding, thickening, and film-forming capabilities play a vital role in the formulation of diverse therapeutics. Its non-reactive nature further ensures a safer manufacturing process.

In Food Processing: HPMC acts as a stabilizer, thickener, and emulsifier in numerous food items, enhancing their texture, prolonging shelf life, and elevating overall quality.

In Cosmetics: In due recognition of its moisture retaining and texture enhancing abilities, HPMC has become a crucial ingredient in the production of creams, lotions, and other cosmetic products.

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