High-Efficiency Corning® Axymat PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer

Short description

Corning® Axygen® PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer is a trusted, high-quality microplate sealer:

  • Convenience: Efficient solution for sealing standard and deep well Microplates.
  • Reliable Performance: Operates with AC/DC input of 230V.
  • Versatile: Includes adapters for both standard and deep well Microplates.
  • Renowned: Used by scientists globally, ensuring reliable results.

A valuable addition to any lab requiring high-throughput plate sealing.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

The Corning® Axymat PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer is recognized worldwide for its efficiency and performance. This machine is especially designed with an AC/DC input of 230V, which lends its high reliability in performance. Ideal for sealing both standard and deep-well microplates, this plate sealer finds a wide range of applications in different laboratory settings to offer an effective and efficient solution.

Here are the key features of the Corning® Axymat PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer:

  • The PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer is an excellent choice for sealing both standard and deep well microplates, assuring high versatility.
  • Input of 230V AC/DC, ensuring a reliable and sustained performance.
  • Comes with adapters for sealing both standard and deep well microplates, providing an increased versatility in handling various types of plates.
  • Due to its high-quality results, this product is trusted and recommended by scientists around the globe.

This semi-automated plate sealer from Corning® Axymat series utilizes an innovative design and cutting-edge technology to deliver high speed and efficient sealing of microplates, thereby boosting productivity and saving valuable time in any research process. Whether you're running a high-throughput screening operation, a genomics or proteomics study, or any other laboratory endeavor which requires numerous samples to be processed at the same time, the Corning® Axymat PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer is an excellent tool to have in your facility.

Opt for the PlateMax Semi Automated Plate Sealer, and step up your research productivity to the next level!

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