A102 Vertical Trunnion Belt Wrap-around Labeling System: High-speed, Precise, Versatile

Short description
Product: A102 Vertical Trunnion Belt Wrap-around Labeling System.
Description: Ideal for diverse sectors such as food packaging, beauty care and chemical industries; facilitating multiple labeling modes for versatility. Precision and Control: Cam or motor-driven workstations revolve around a carousel ensuring high-speed, precise labeling. Optional Features: Non-stop label roll change for maximized efficiency, synchronized coding for accurate labeling and vision inspection for quality control.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

A102 Vertical Trunnion Belt Wrap-around Labeling System: Ultimate Labeling Precision and Efficiency

The A102 Vertical Trunnion Belt Wrap-around Labeling System is a ground-breaking solution engineered to meet the high-speed and extreme precision needs of industries ranging from beverages, food packaging, and beauty care to chemicals. Our system is specially designed to deliver exceptional performance across different labeling modes, including:

  • Orientation specific round bottle labeling
  • Multi-labels round bottle labeling
  • Oval bottle front/back labeling
  • Square bottle wrap-around labeling
  • Square bottle multi-sided labeling
  • Conical bottle labeling

The dynamic operation incorporates multiple spinning workstations driven by a precisely controlled cam or motor. The entire setup revolves around a centrally located carousel, ensuring uniform and accurate bottle movement yielding precision labeling. Unique bottle orientation alignment methods are employed to ensure high accuracy and control, irrespective of the bottle’s shape or size.

Remarkable features like non-stop label roll change, synchronized coding, and vision inspection are available to increase productivity and guarantee quality. With its unmatched speed and precision, the A102 Vertical Trunnion Belt Wrap-around Labeling System is a valuable addition to any production line striving to meet high labeling standards in a fast-paced industrial setting.

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