Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA - 100mg

REF #: 3D-FS110770
Short description


Unlock the power of Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA, a premium-quality amino acid compound with a purity of at least 95%. This versatile peptide, bearing the CAS number 128802-79-9, boasts a molecular weight of 666.72 g/mol, offering a unique blend of reactivity and selectivity for your advanced research needs. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this compound's clear, pale liquid form ensures reliable performance in a wide range of applications, from pharmaceuticals to biochemical studies. Elevate your experiments to new heights and explore the boundless potential of this exceptional chemical marvel.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years


Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA, with the CAS number 128802-79-9, is a highly specialized and purified chemical compound that holds immense value in the realm of scientific research and development. This Amino Acid derivative is a crucial tool for researchers and scientists working in diverse fields, from pharmaceutical development to biochemical investigations.

At the heart of this compound lies a unique peptide sequence, Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe, which is coupled with the chromogenic substrate para-nitroanilide (pNA). This intricate molecular structure endows Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA with exceptional properties, making it a versatile and indispensable asset in various applications.

Pharmaceutical Research and Development

In the realm of pharmaceutical research, Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA plays a pivotal role. Its peptide sequence and pNA moiety allow it to serve as a valuable substrate for the study of proteolytic enzymes, particularly those involved in biological processes and disease pathways. Researchers can utilize this compound to investigate the activity and specificity of enzymes such as proteases, which are crucial targets in the development of novel therapeutic agents.

By monitoring the cleavage of the pNA group from the peptide sequence, scientists can gain valuable insights into the kinetics and mechanisms of enzyme-substrate interactions. This information can then be leveraged to design and optimize new drug candidates, ultimately leading to more effective and targeted treatments for a wide range of health conditions.

Biochemical and Enzymatic Assays

Beyond the pharmaceutical industry, Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA finds widespread application in biochemical and enzymatic assays. Its unique structure makes it an ideal substrate for the quantitative analysis of protease activity, allowing researchers to measure and monitor enzyme function in various experimental settings.

The release of the chromogenic pNA group upon enzymatic cleavage can be easily detected and quantified using spectrophotometric techniques. This enables researchers to study the kinetics of enzyme-substrate interactions, screen for potential inhibitors or activators, and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying biochemical pathways involved in diverse biological processes.

Technical Specifications

  • CAS Number: 128802-79-9
  • Molecular Formula: C33H42N6O9
  • Molecular Weight: 666.72 g/mol
  • Purity: Minimum 95%
  • MDL Number: MFCD00238371

Handling and Storage

Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA should be handled with care, as it is a chemical compound that may require specific safety precautions. It is recommended to consult the relevant safety data sheets and follow standard laboratory protocols when working with this material.

For optimal storage and preservation of the compound's integrity, it is advised to keep Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated environment. Proper storage conditions are crucial to maintain the compound's purity and ensure reliable results in your research endeavors.

Unlock the Potential

Suc-Ala-Ile-Pro-Phe-pNA is a versatile and indispensable tool for researchers and scientists across various disciplines. Its unique peptide sequence and chromogenic properties make it a valuable asset in pharmaceutical development, biochemical assays, and beyond. By leveraging the power of this compound, you can unlock new possibilities in your research, driving scientific advancements and contributing to the bet

  • Formula: C33H42N6O9
  • Mdl: MFCD00238371
  • Molecular weight: 666.72 g/mol
  • Purity: Min. 95%
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