LAU159 - 2mg

REF #: TM-T11822
Short description

LAU159: A Potent GABA(A) Receptor Modulator

Discover the power of LAU159, a functionally selective positive α1β3 GABA(A) receptor modulator with an EC50 of 2.2 μM. This high-purity (98.65%) compound, with the molecular formula C17H12ClN3O2 and a molecular weight of 325.75, offers a unique blend of chemical properties and potential applications. Crafted with precision, LAU159 presents a solid, crystalline form that can be stored securely for up to 3 years as a powder at -20°C or 1 year in solvent at -80°C. Unlock the versatile potential of this exceptional GABA receptor modulator and elevate your research to new heights.

  • CAS: 2055050-87-6
  • Ref #: TM-T11822
  • Targets & IC50: α1β3 GABA (EC50: 2.2 μM)
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

LAU159: A Versatile GABA(A) Receptor Modulator for Groundbreaking Research

In the dynamic world of pharmaceutical and neurological research, the discovery of novel compounds with targeted therapeutic potential is a constant pursuit. LAU159, a functionally selective positive α1β3 GABA(A) receptor modulator, stands as a shining example of such a compound, offering researchers a powerful tool to unlock new frontiers in the understanding and treatment of various neurological conditions.

With a CAS number of 2055050-87-6 and a Ref # of TM-T11822, LAU159 is a meticulously crafted chemical compound that boasts an impressive purity of 98.65%. Its unique molecular structure, represented by the InChI code InChI=1S/C17H12ClN3O2/c1-23-12-4-2-3-11(8-12)21-17(22)14-9-19-15-6-5-10(18)7-13(15)16(14)20-21/h2-9,20H,1H3, and the SMILES code COc1cccc(-n2[nH]c3c(cnc4ccc(Cl)cc43)c2=O), imbues it with exceptional selectivity and potency as a GABA(A) receptor modulator.

Unlocking the Potential of GABA(A) Receptors

GABA(A) receptors play a crucial role in regulating neuronal excitability and inhibitory neurotransmission within the central nervous system. As a functionally selective positive modulator of the α1β3 subtype of these receptors, LAU159 presents a unique opportunity for researchers to delve deeper into the complex mechanisms underlying various neurological disorders. By selectively targeting the α1β3 subtype, LAU159 offers the potential to develop more targeted and effective therapies, minimizing the risk of unwanted side effects often associated with less selective compounds.

Versatile Applications in Neuroscience Research

The versatility of LAU159 extends beyond its primary function as a GABA(A) receptor modulator. This compound has garnered significant interest in the realm of neuroscience research, where it has demonstrated its potential to shed light on the intricate workings of the brain and the underlying mechanisms of various neurological disorders. From investigating the role of GABA(A) receptors in anxiety, epilepsy, and cognitive function to exploring novel therapeutic approaches for conditions like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, LAU159 has become an invaluable tool for researchers pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding.

Exceptional Quality and Reliability

Crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, LAU159 boasts an exceptional purity of 98.65%, ensuring reliable and consistent results in research applications. Its chemical properties, including its molecular weight of 325.75 g/mol and its distinct color and form as a solid, further contribute to its suitability for a wide range of experimental settings.

Comprehensive Support for Researchers

To support the research community, comprehensive information on LAU159 is readily available. The product's detailed technical specifications, including its InChI key (InChIKey=PAQDEKQVYZRUSQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N) and its classification as a GABA Receptor compound within the Membrane Transporter/Ion Channel subcategory, provide researchers with the necessary context to fully leverage its potential.

Furthermore, the provided storage guidelines, which recommend storing the powder at -20°C for up to 3 years or in solvent at -80°C for up to 1 year, ensure the long-term stability and integrity of LAU159, enabling researchers to maintain the highest standards of quality throughout their investigations.

Unlock the transformative potential of LAU159 in your research endeavors. This exceptional GABA(A) receptor modulator stands as a beacon of innovation, empowering scientists to push the boundaries of neuroscience and uncover groundbreaking insights that could lead to

  • Color form: Solid
  • Formula: C17H12ClN3O2
  • Inchi: InChI=1S/C17H12ClN3O2/c1-23-12-4-2-3-11(8-12)21-17(22)14-9-19-15-6-5-10(18)7-13(15)16(14)20-21/h2-9,20H,1H3
  • Long term storage: Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year;
  • Molecular weight: 325.75
  • Notes: Targets&IC50: α1β3 GABA:(EC50)2.2 μM
  • Purity: 98.65%
  • Smiles: COc1cccc(-n2[nH]c3c(cnc4ccc(Cl)cc43)c2=O)c1
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