Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester - 100mg

REF #: TM-T14867
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Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester

Unlock the versatile potential of Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester, a PEG-based PROTAC linker that serves as an integral compound for the synthesis of PROTACs. This high-purity (98%) chemical boasts a molecular weight of 386.38g/mol and a clear, solid form, making it a reliable choice for your advanced research and development needs. Carefully handle this compound, as it may cause skin and eye irritation, and ensure proper storage at -20°C for long-term preservation of its exceptional quality. Embrace the power of this exceptional PEG-based linker and elevate your PROTAC synthesis to new heights of precision and performance.
In vitro: PROTACs contain two different ligands connected by a linker; one is a ligand for an E3 ubiquitin ligase and the other is for the target protein. PROTACs exploit the intracellular ubiquitin-proteasome system to selectively degrade target proteins.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester

Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester is a versatile and essential compound in the realm of scientific research and development. This PEG-based PROTAC linker serves as a crucial building block in the synthesis of PROTACs, a class of compounds that have revolutionized the field of targeted protein degradation.

With its unique chemical structure and high purity, Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester offers researchers a powerful tool to unlock new possibilities in various scientific disciplines. Its applications span from pharmaceutical research to chemical synthesis, making it an indispensable asset for those seeking to push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

Pharmaceutical Research: Unlocking the Potential of PROTACs

In the pharmaceutical industry, Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester plays a pivotal role in the development of PROTACs, a groundbreaking approach to targeted protein degradation. PROTACs are chimeric molecules that harness the cell's natural ubiquitin-proteasome system to selectively degrade target proteins, offering a novel and highly effective therapeutic strategy.

As a key component of PROTAC synthesis, Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester serves as the linker that connects the E3 ubiquitin ligase ligand and the target protein ligand, enabling the formation of the ternary complex necessary for efficient protein degradation. This versatile compound's ability to facilitate the precise targeting and elimination of disease-causing proteins has made it an invaluable tool in the development of innovative drug candidates.

Chemical Synthesis: Expanding the Boundaries of Molecular Design

Beyond its pharmaceutical applications, Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester finds widespread use in the realm of chemical synthesis. Its unique chemical properties and structural features make it a valuable reagent for the creation of novel compounds with tailored characteristics.

Researchers in various fields, from materials science to organic chemistry, leverage the versatility of Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester to explore new frontiers of molecular design. Its ability to participate in a diverse range of chemical reactions, coupled with its high purity and stability, allows for the synthesis of complex molecules with enhanced performance, functionality, and potential applications.

Technical Specifications and Handling

  • CAS Number: 1964503-39-6
  • Purity: 98%
  • Molecular Formula: C15H31O9P
  • Molecular Weight: 386.38 g/mol
  • Physical Form: Solid
  • Density: 1.31 g/cm³

To ensure the optimal performance and longevity of Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester, it is recommended to store the compound in a cool, dry environment at -20°C for up to 3 years as a powder or -80°C for up to 1 year in solvent. Proper handling and storage protocols are crucial to maintain the compound's integrity and purity, enabling researchers to harness its full potential.

Unlocking the Possibilities

Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester stands as a testament to the power of innovation in the scientific community. Its versatile applications, from pharmaceutical research to chemical synthesis, make it an indispensable tool for researchers and scientists seeking to push the boundaries of what is possible.

By leveraging the unique properties and high purity of Carboxy-PEG4-phosphonic acid ethyl ester, researchers can unlock new avenues of discovery, develop groundbreaking therapies, and create innovative materials that have the potential to transform industries and improve lives. Embrace the possibilities and let this remarkable compound be your guide on the journey of scientific exploration.

  • Color form: Solid
  • Density: 1.31G/Cm3
  • Formula: C15H31O9P
  • Inchi: InChI=1S/C15H31O9P/c1-3-23-25(18,24-4-2)14-13-22-12-11-21-10-9-20-8-7-19-6-5-15(16)17/h3-14H2,1-2H3,(H,16,17)
  • Long term storage: Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year;
  • Molecular weight: 386.38
  • Notes: In vitro: PROTACs contain two different ligands connected by a linker; one is a ligand for an E3 ubiquitin ligase and the other is for the target protein. PROTACs exploit the intracellular ubiquitin-proteasome system to selectively degrade target proteins
  • Purity: 98%
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