7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide - 500mg

REF #: 3D-LIC71576
Short description


Discover the exceptional versatility of 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide, a premium-quality chemical compound with a CAS number of 1461715-76-3. This meticulously crafted molecule, with a molecular weight of 239.29 g/mol, offers a unique blend of properties that make it an invaluable asset in your research and development endeavors. Boasting a purity of at least 95%, this clear, pale-colored compound is a reliable choice for a wide range of applications, from pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals and beyond. Unlock the potential of this remarkable substance and elevate your experiments to new heights of precision and performance.
For more detailed information, including pricing and delivery timelines, please fill out the technical inquiry form on this page.

  • CAS: 1461715-76-3
  • Ref #: 3D-LIC71576
  • MDL: MFCD26407533
  • Purity: Min. 95%
  • Formula: C11H13NO3S
  • Molecular Weight: 239.29 g/mol
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years


Unlock the captivating potential of 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide, a versatile chemical compound that holds the key to unlocking new frontiers in scientific research and development. With its unique molecular structure and exceptional purity, this compound has garnered the attention of researchers across diverse fields, from pharmaceuticals to material science.

At the heart of this compound lies a captivating blend of chemical properties, making it a valuable asset in the pursuit of innovative solutions. The CAS number 1461715-76-3 and the Ref # 3D-LIC71576 serve as distinct identifiers, ensuring seamless integration into your research projects. With a molecular formula of C11H13NO3S and a molecular weight of 239.29 g/mol, this compound boasts a purity of at least 95%, guaranteeing reliable and consistent results in your experiments.

Delve into the captivating world of 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide and uncover its vast potential. Whether you're exploring the realms of pharmaceutical development, material science, or chemical synthesis, this compound offers a gateway to groundbreaking discoveries. Its versatile nature and exceptional quality make it an indispensable tool in the hands of researchers and scientists seeking to push the boundaries of what's possible.

Pharmaceutical Research

In the dynamic landscape of pharmaceutical research, 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide shines as a valuable building block. Its unique chemical structure and properties lend themselves to the synthesis of innovative drug candidates, targeting a wide range of health conditions. Researchers can harness the compound's potential to develop novel therapeutics with enhanced efficacy, selectivity, and safety profiles, ultimately improving patient outcomes and transforming lives.

Material Science Innovations

Beyond the realm of pharmaceuticals, 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide finds its place in the exciting world of material science. Its distinct molecular composition and exceptional purity make it a versatile tool for researchers exploring the development of advanced materials with tailored properties. From enhanced mechanical strength and thermal stability to improved optical characteristics, this compound can be seamlessly integrated into the creation of innovative materials, unlocking new possibilities in diverse applications.

Chemical Synthesis

In the dynamic field of chemical synthesis, 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide shines as a valuable reagent and building block. Its unique chemical structure and reactivity allow chemists to explore the synthesis of novel compounds with diverse functionalities. Whether you're working on the development of complex organic molecules, the creation of specialized intermediates, or the exploration of new synthetic pathways, this compound can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, enabling you to push the boundaries of what's possible in the world of chemistry.

Product Specifications

  • CAS Number: 1461715-76-3
  • Name: 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide
  • Ref #: 3D-LIC71576
  • Molecular Formula: C11H13NO3S
  • Molecular Weight: 239.29 g/mol
  • Purity: Min. 95%
  • MDL Number: MFCD26407533

Further Resources

To delve deeper into the technical details, applications, and safety guidelines of 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydronaphthalene-2-sulfonamide, please consult the technical inquiry form on the

  • Formula: C11H13NO3S
  • Mdl: MFCD26407533
  • Molecular weight: 239.29 g/mol
  • Purity: Min. 95%
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