4-(2,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)oxan-4-ol - 1g

REF #: 10-F543559
Unit of measure
Short description

Server error

Discover the power of this captivating Server error, a versatile chemical compound that opens up a world of possibilities. With its unique molecular structure and exceptional purity, this product is a must-have for any discerning researcher or chemist. Boasting a CAS number of Not Available and a molecular weight of Not Available, this compound offers unparalleled precision and performance in a wide range of applications. Unlock the potential of this exceptional building block and elevate your experiments to new heights. Embrace the quality and reliability that this Server error has to offer, and unlock the secrets of innovative synthesis and research.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years


In the ever-evolving world of scientific research and development, the compound 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol stands as a versatile and intriguing chemical entity. With its unique molecular structure and potential applications, this compound has captured the attention of researchers across various disciplines, from pharmaceutical innovation to material science advancements.

Boasting a CAS number that remains elusive, this compound's identity is shrouded in mystery, yet its promise is undeniable. Delving into the available information, we find that 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol is a member of the Phenols and Phenol Derivatives family, a class of compounds known for their diverse functionalities and widespread applications.

Despite the limited details provided, the compound's chemical composition and physical properties hold the key to unlocking its potential. With a molecular formula and weight yet to be determined, this enigmatic substance presents an intriguing challenge for researchers seeking to unravel its secrets and harness its capabilities.

Uncovering the Potential

While the specific applications of 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol remain largely unexplored, the very nature of its chemical structure suggests a wealth of possibilities. The presence of the dimethoxy and hydroxyl functional groups, coupled with the unique oxan-4-ol backbone, opens up a world of potential for this compound.

In the realm of pharmaceutical research, 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol could serve as a valuable building block in the synthesis of novel drug candidates. Its distinct molecular architecture may enable the development of targeted therapies, addressing a range of health conditions and offering new avenues for therapeutic intervention.

Beyond the pharmaceutical domain, this compound's versatility extends to the field of material science. Researchers in this discipline may explore the integration of 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol into the design of advanced materials, leveraging its unique properties to enhance characteristics such as thermal stability, mechanical strength, or optical performance.

Navigating the Unknown

The limited information available on 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol presents both a challenge and an opportunity for intrepid researchers. Delving deeper into the compound's identity, physicochemical properties, and potential applications will require a meticulous and collaborative approach, drawing upon the expertise of scientists across various specialties.

As we navigate the unknown, it is crucial to approach this compound with a combination of scientific rigor and creative thinking. Careful analysis of its structure, reactivity, and potential interactions will be essential in unlocking its true potential and identifying novel applications that can drive scientific progress and societal impact.

Through persistent exploration and a willingness to embrace the unknown, the secrets of 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol may be unveiled, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and advancements that push the boundaries of our scientific understanding. The journey ahead is filled with both challenges and opportunities, inviting researchers to embark on a captivating expedition into the realm of this enigmatic compound.

Product Specifications

  • CAS Number: Not Available
  • Name: Server error
  • Reference Number: Not Available
  • Description: Not Found

Safety and Handling

Due to the limited information available, the specific safety and handling requirements for 4-24-dimethoxyphenyloxan-4-ol remain unclear. However, as with any chemical compound, it is essential to exercise caution and adhere to standard laboratory safety protocols when working with this substance.

Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, lab coats, and safety glasses, should be worn when handling the compound. Ensure adequate ventilation and avoid exposure through inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. In the event of accidental exposure, seek immediate medical attention and follow the recommended emergency

  • Molecular weight: 238.2830047607422
  • Notes: This product is intended for laboratory use only, and it is not meant for human consumption.Signal word: Warning
  • Purity: 97.0%
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