3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione - 10mg

REF #: 3D-AQB80114
Short description


Discover the exceptional 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione, a high-purity (Min. 95%) chemical compound with a molecular formula of C7H10BrNO2 and a molecular weight of 220.06 g/mol. This versatile compound, with the CAS number 1000801-14-8, offers a unique blend of reactivity and stability, making it a valuable asset for your research and development endeavors. Unlock the potential of this premium-quality chemical and elevate your experiments to new heights, while ensuring proper handling and storage to maintain its exceptional performance.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years


In the dynamic world of scientific research and development, 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione stands out as a versatile and highly sought-after chemical compound. With its unique molecular structure and exceptional purity, this Halogenated Compound has captured the attention of researchers across various disciplines, from pharmaceuticals to material science.

Identified by its CAS number 1000801-14-8, this compound boasts a chemical formula of C7H10BrNO2 and a molecular weight of 220.06 g/mol. Its distinct combination of bromine, dimethyl, and piperidine-2,4-dione moieties endows it with a range of valuable properties, making it a valuable asset in the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs.

Pharmaceutical Applications

In the realm of pharmaceutical research, 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione shines as a crucial building block in the synthesis of innovative drug candidates. Its chemical structure and reactivity allow for the development of targeted therapies that address a wide spectrum of health conditions, from neurological disorders to metabolic diseases. Researchers leverage the compound's unique properties to create novel pharmaceutical compounds with enhanced efficacy, selectivity, and safety profiles.

Agrochemical Innovations

The versatility of 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione extends beyond the pharmaceutical industry, as it also finds applications in the agrochemical sector. Its distinct molecular architecture contributes to the formulation of advanced crop protection agents, such as potent and selective pesticides. These innovative agrochemicals help safeguard crops, promote healthier plant growth, and ultimately lead to increased agricultural yields, benefiting both farmers and consumers.

Material Science Advancements

In the realm of material science, 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione serves as a valuable precursor in the development of novel materials with tailored properties. Researchers harness the compound's chemical reactivity and selectivity to engineer substances with improved thermal stability, mechanical strength, or optical characteristics. These advancements in material science have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, from electronics to energy storage.

Technical Specifications

  • CAS Number: 1000801-14-8
  • Name: 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione
  • Reference Number: 3D-AQB80114
  • Molecular Formula: C7H10BrNO2
  • Molecular Weight: 220.06 g/mol
  • Purity: Minimum 95%
  • MDL Number: MFCD25953990

Handling and Storage

To maintain the integrity and purity of 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione, it is essential to follow proper handling and storage protocols. The compound should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and a face mask, should be used when handling the material to ensure the safety of researchers and laboratory personnel.

Further Resources

For more detailed information on the applications, technical specifications, and safety guidelines for 3-Bromo-6,6-dimethylpiperidine-2,4-dione, please consult the technical inquiry form on the product page. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive support

  • Formula: C7H10BrNO2
  • Mdl: MFCD25953990
  • Molecular weight: 220.06 g/mol
  • Purity: Min. 95%
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