Triethylamine-d15 - 100mg

REF #: TR-T797473
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Short description

Triethylamine-d15: A Versatile Deuterated Compound

Unlock the power of Triethylamine-d15, a highly versatile deuterated compound (CAS# 66688-79-7) that opens up a world of research possibilities. With its unique molecular structure, this colorless liquid offers exceptional purity (98%) and a molecular weight of 116.282g/mol. Boasting an InChI key of ZMANZCXQSJIPKH-NLBPYYKNSA-N, this compound is a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, from chemical synthesis to spectroscopic analysis. Handle with care, as it is a flammable liquid and vapor, and always store in a cool, well-ventilated area. Unlock the potential of this exceptional deuterated compound and elevate your research to new heights.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Unlock the versatile potential of Triethylamine-d15, a highly specialized deuterated compound that offers a wealth of applications in the realm of scientific research and development. This meticulously crafted chemical, identified by its CAS number 66688-79-7, is a valuable asset for researchers seeking to explore the unique properties of deuterated compounds.

Triethylamine-d15 is a colorless liquid with a distinct molecular structure, featuring a carbon backbone adorned with deuterium atoms. This strategic substitution of hydrogen with deuterium, a stable isotope of hydrogen, imbues the compound with enhanced stability, altered reactivity, and unique spectroscopic properties. These distinctive characteristics make Triethylamine-d15 a powerful tool in a wide range of scientific disciplines, from analytical chemistry to organic synthesis and beyond.

Unparalleled Applications

The versatility of Triethylamine-d15 is truly remarkable, as it finds applications in various fields of scientific inquiry:

Analytical Chemistry: Researchers in analytical chemistry rely on the unique spectroscopic properties of Triethylamine-d15 to enhance the sensitivity and accuracy of their analytical techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The deuterium labeling provides distinct signals that can be leveraged to elucidate complex molecular structures and reaction mechanisms.

Organic Synthesis: In the realm of organic chemistry, Triethylamine-d15 serves as a valuable reagent and building block in the synthesis of a wide range of deuterated compounds. Its selective reactivity and ability to participate in various transformations make it an indispensable tool for chemists seeking to develop novel molecules with tailored properties.

Biochemical Research: Triethylamine-d15 finds application in the study of biological systems, where its deuterium labeling can be used to track the fate of specific molecular moieties or to investigate metabolic pathways. This powerful technique provides researchers with unprecedented insights into the complex dynamics of living organisms.

Exceptional Quality and Safety

Triethylamine-d15 is meticulously produced to the highest standards of purity, ensuring reliable and consistent results in your research endeavors. With a purity of 98%, this compound is a trusted choice for scientists seeking to push the boundaries of their investigations.

However, it is important to note that Triethylamine-d15 is a highly flammable liquid and vapor, classified under UN number 1296 and Packing Group II. Appropriate safety precautions must be taken when handling this compound, including the use of personal protective equipment and working in a well-ventilated area. Consult the relevant safety data sheets and follow established protocols to ensure the safe and responsible use of Triethylamine-d15.

Unlock the Potential

Embrace the power of Triethylamine-d15 and unlock new possibilities in your scientific research. Whether you're exploring the frontiers of analytical chemistry, organic synthesis, or biochemical investigations, this versatile deuterated compound can be the key to unlocking groundbreaking discoveries. Leverage its unique properties to push the boundaries of your field and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

For more detailed information on the technical specifications, safety guidelines, and potential applications of Triethylamine-d15, please refer to the comprehensive product resources available. Dive into the wealth of scientific literature, technical documents, and expert support to fully harness the potential of this remarkable chemical compound.

  • CAS: 66688-79-7
  • Ref #: TR-T797473
  • Description: Triethylamine (D15, 98%) (cas# 66688-79-7) is a useful research chemical.
  • InChI: InChI=1S/C6H15N/c1-4-7(5-2)6-3/h4-6H2,1-3H
  • Class: 3
  • Color form: Colourless Liquid
  • Eq: E2 (Inner packaging: 30, Outer packaging: 500)
  • Formula: C6D15N
  • Hs code: 2845.90.0000
  • Inchi: InChI=1S/C6H15N/c1-4-7(5-2)6-3/h4-6H2,1-3H3/i1D3,2D3,3D3,4D2,5D2,6D2
  • Long term storage: 20
  • Lq: 1l
  • Molecular weight: 116.282
  • Notes: Highly flammable liquid and vapour
  • Packing group: II
  • Smiles: [2H]C([2H])([2H])C([2H])([2H])N(C([2H])([2H])C([2H])([2H])[2H])C([2H])([2H])C([2H])([2H])[2H]
  • Un number: 1296
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