N-Methyltopiramate - 25mg

REF #: 86-MM1348.12-0025
Unit of measure
Short description

N-Methyltopiramate: A Versatile GABA Modulator

Discover the power of N-Methyltopiramate, a captivating GABA modulator with a CAS number of 97240-80-7. This chemical compound, with a molecular formula of C13H23NO8S and a molecular weight of 353.39, offers a unique blend of versatility and precision. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, N-Methyltopiramate is the perfect companion for your research endeavors, unlocking new possibilities in the realm of GABA-related applications. Handled with care, this product ensures reliable performance and long-term storage stability when kept at +5°C. Elevate your experiments to new heights and explore the boundless potential of this exceptional GABA modulator.

  • CAS: 97240-80-7
  • Molecular Formula: C13H23NO8S
  • Molecular Weight: 353.39
  • Long-term Storage: +5°C
  • Analyte Name: N-Methyl Topiramate
  • Country of Origin: GERMANY
  • Impurity Type: Degradation Product
  • Product Format: Neat
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Unlock the versatile potential of N-Methyltopiramate, a meticulously crafted chemical compound that holds the key to unlocking new frontiers in scientific research and development. With its unique molecular structure and exceptional purity, this GABA Modulator offers a world of possibilities for researchers and innovators across diverse fields.

At the heart of N-Methyltopiramate lies a captivating chemical formula, C13H23NO8S, with a molecular weight of 353.39 g/mol. This compound, identified by the CAS number 97240-80-7, boasts a remarkable level of purity, ensuring reliable and consistent results in your experiments and applications. Its Ref # 86-MM1348.12-0025 provides a clear identifier for easy reference and traceability.

The versatility of N-Methyltopiramate lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate into a wide range of research and development projects. Whether you're exploring the frontiers of pharmaceutical advancements, delving into the intricacies of agrochemical innovations, or pushing the boundaries of material science, this compound can be your invaluable ally.

In the realm of pharmaceutical research, N-Methyltopiramate serves as a crucial building block, enabling the synthesis of novel drug candidates that hold the promise of addressing unmet medical needs. Its unique chemical structure and GABA-modulating properties make it a valuable asset in the development of targeted therapies for neurological disorders, metabolic conditions, and beyond.

For agrochemical innovators, N-Methyltopiramate offers a pathway to creating advanced crop protection agents. Its distinct molecular composition contributes to the formulation of potent and selective pesticides, helping to safeguard crops, enhance yields, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

In the realm of material science, this compound's versatility shines through its ability to be integrated into the development of innovative materials. Researchers can leverage the unique properties of N-Methyltopiramate to engineer substances with enhanced thermal stability, improved mechanical strength, or tailored optical characteristics, opening up new avenues for technological advancements.

To ensure the optimal performance and longevity of N-Methyltopiramate, it is recommended to store the compound at +5°C, in a cool and well-ventilated environment. This will maintain its purity and stability, allowing you to harness its full potential in your research and development endeavors.

Embark on your scientific journey with N-Methyltopiramate as your trusted companion. Unlock the boundless possibilities that this exceptional compound holds, and let your innovations soar to new heights. Explore the wealth of resources and technical data available to deepen your understanding and unlock the full potential of this versatile GABA Modulator.

Product Features

  • CAS Number: 97240-80-7
  • Ref #: 86-MM1348.12-0025
  • Chemical Formula: C13H23NO8S
  • Molecular Weight: 353.39 g/mol
  • Purity: Not Found
  • Long-term Storage: +5°C
  • Product Format: Neat
  • Country of Origin: GERMANY
  • Impurity Type: Degradation Product

Product Specification

  • Appearance: Not Found
  • Solubility: Not Found
  • Melting Point: Not Found
  • Boiling Point: Not Found
  • Density: Not Found
  • Refractive Index: Not Found
  • Optical Rotation: Not Found
  • Purity: Not Found

Further Resources

To delve deeper into the technical details, applications, and safety guidelines of N

  • Formula: C13H23NO8S
  • Long term storage: +5°C
  • Molecular weight: 353.39
  • Notes: Analyte Name: N-Methyl TopiramateCountry of Origin: GERMANYImpurity Type: Degradation ProductProduct Format: Neat
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