Corymbiferin - 5mg

REF #: BP-BP4918
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Short description

Corymbiferin: A Captivating Xanthone Compound

Discover the allure of Corymbiferin, a high-purity (95%~99%) xanthone compound that captivates the senses. This intriguing chemical, bearing the CAS number 5042-09-1, boasts a molecular formula of C15H12O7 and a molecular weight of 304.254g/mol. Corymbiferin's unique structure and properties make it a valuable asset in the realm of research and development, offering a world of possibilities for innovative applications. Handled with care, this compound can unlock new frontiers in your scientific endeavors. Embrace the potential of Corymbiferin and elevate your work to new heights of excellence.

  • CAS: 5042-09-1
  • Purity: 95%~99%
  • Molecular Formula: C15H12O7
  • Molecular Weight: 304.254g/mol
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Corymbiferin: Unlocking the Potential of a Versatile Xanthone Compound

Corymbiferin, a captivating Xanthone compound with the CAS number 5042-09-1, is a treasure trove of untapped potential. This meticulously crafted chemical marvel, with a purity ranging from 95% to 99%, holds the key to unlocking groundbreaking discoveries across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. Whether you're a researcher in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, or material science realms, Corymbiferin's unique properties and versatility make it an indispensable tool in your arsenal.

At the heart of Corymbiferin's allure lies its captivating chemical structure, represented by the molecular formula C15H12O7 and a molecular weight of 304.254 g/mol. This intricate composition, with its delicate balance of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, imbues the compound with a remarkable array of characteristics that can be harnessed for a multitude of applications.

Pharmaceutical Prowess

In the realm of pharmaceutical research, Corymbiferin shines as a valuable building block in the synthesis of innovative drug candidates. Its distinct molecular architecture allows for the development of targeted therapies that address a wide range of health conditions, from neurological disorders to metabolic diseases. Researchers can leverage Corymbiferin's unique properties to create compounds with enhanced pharmacological profiles, improved bioavailability, and increased therapeutic efficacy.

The compound's versatility extends beyond its pharmaceutical applications, as it also finds a prominent role in the agrochemical industry. Corymbiferin's structure can be strategically incorporated into the design of advanced crop protection agents, contributing to the development of potent and selective pesticides that safeguard crops while minimizing environmental impact. This dual-pronged approach, encompassing both human health and agricultural sustainability, underscores the profound impact Corymbiferin can have on our world.

Material Science Marvels

But the wonders of Corymbiferin do not stop there. In the realm of material science, this captivating compound has the potential to unlock new frontiers of innovation. Researchers can harness Corymbiferin's unique properties to engineer novel materials with enhanced performance characteristics, such as improved mechanical strength, thermal stability, or optical properties. These cutting-edge materials can then be integrated into a wide range of applications, from high-tech electronics to advanced composites, revolutionizing the way we approach material design and development.

To ensure the optimal preservation of Corymbiferin's exceptional qualities, it is recommended to store the compound in a well-closed container, protected from air and light. For long-term storage, refrigeration or freezing is advised to maintain its stability and purity over time. This meticulous attention to storage conditions is a testament to the care and precision that goes into the production of this remarkable chemical compound.

Unlocking the Potential

As you delve into the world of Corymbiferin, you'll find a wealth of resources and support to guide your research and development endeavors. From detailed technical data to comprehensive safety information, the team at Cymit Quimica is dedicated to providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to unlock the full potential of this versatile Xanthone compound.

Whether you're a seasoned researcher or a curious explorer, Corymbiferin stands ready to be your partner in groundbreaking discoveries. Embrace the power of this captivating chemical marvel, and let it inspire you to push the boundaries of what's possible in the realms of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and material science. The future is yours to shape, and Corymbiferin is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.

  • CAS: 5042-09-1
  • Name: Corymbiferin
  • Ref #: BP-BP4918
  • Purity: 95%~99%
  • Formula:
  • Formula: C15H12O7
  • Long term storage: Store in a well closed container, protected from air and light. Put into refrigerate or freeze for long term storage.
  • Molecular weight: 304.254
  • Notes: For Reference Standard and R&D, Not for Human Use Directly.Inquire for bulk scale.The product could be supplied from milligrams to gramsWhenever possible, you should prepare and use solutions on the same day. However, if you need to make up stock solution
  • Purity: 95%~99%
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