C.I.Direct Blue 297 - Undefined size

REF #: 3D-FD41367
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C.I.Direct Blue 297

Discover the captivating hue of C.I.Direct Blue 297, a premium-quality dye that elevates your creative projects. This vibrant, high-purity (Min. 95%) compound, with the CAS number 190976-16-0, boasts a versatile Ref # 3D-FD41367. Unlock the endless possibilities of this exceptional dye, whether you're enhancing textiles, crafting stunning artwork, or seeking a reliable solution for your specialized applications. Immerse yourself in the depth and richness of this captivating blue, and let it inspire your next masterpiece. Inquire now for more details on pricing, delivery, and comprehensive product information.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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C.I.Direct Blue 297

Unlock the captivating world of C.I.Direct Blue 297, a versatile and high-purity dye that has captured the attention of researchers and industry professionals alike. This remarkable chemical compound, identified by the CAS number 190976-16-0 and the reference number 3D-FD41367, offers a unique blend of properties that make it an invaluable asset in a wide range of applications.

Unparalleled Purity and Precision

C.I.Direct Blue 297 boasts a minimum purity of 95%, ensuring consistent and reliable results in your experiments and processes. Its meticulous formulation, backed by rigorous quality control measures, guarantees that every batch meets the highest standards of excellence. This level of purity allows you to trust the integrity of your work, whether you're exploring new frontiers in the laboratory or optimizing your industrial operations.

The compound's distinct chemical structure, with its CAS number and reference number serving as unique identifiers, provides a clear and traceable path for researchers and manufacturers seeking to harness its full potential. This attention to detail and transparency empowers you to make informed decisions and seamlessly integrate C.I.Direct Blue 297 into your projects.

Versatile Applications

The versatility of C.I.Direct Blue 297 is truly remarkable, making it a valuable asset across a diverse range of industries and scientific disciplines. From the vibrant world of biochemicals and reagents to the intricate realm of dyes, stains, and tinctures, this compound has carved out a unique niche for itself.

In the field of biochemistry, C.I.Direct Blue 297 serves as a crucial tool for researchers, enabling them to unlock new frontiers in their investigations. Its ability to interact with biological systems in precise and controlled ways opens up a world of possibilities, from the development of innovative diagnostic tools to the exploration of novel therapeutic approaches.

The dye industry has also embraced the potential of C.I.Direct Blue 297, harnessing its rich color and exceptional stability to create captivating visual effects. Whether you're formulating high-performance textiles, crafting eye-catching cosmetics, or developing cutting-edge printing technologies, this compound can be the key to unlocking your creative vision.

Comprehensive Support and Resources

At the heart of C.I.Direct Blue 297's success lies a commitment to providing comprehensive support and resources to our valued customers. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that you have access to the information and guidance you need to make the most of this remarkable compound.

Explore our extensive library of technical documents, safety data sheets, and application-specific resources to deepen your understanding of C.I.Direct Blue 297's capabilities. Whether you're seeking insights into its chemical properties, handling procedures, or potential use cases, our comprehensive materials will empower you to navigate the complexities of this versatile dye with confidence.

Unlock the full potential of C.I.Direct Blue 297 and let it be the catalyst for your next groundbreaking discovery or innovative solution. Engage with our team of specialists to discuss your specific needs and unlock the transformative power of this remarkable chemical compound.

  • Name: C.I.Direct Blue 297
  • CAS: 190976-16-0
  • Ref #: 3D-FD41367
  • Purity: Min. 95%
  • Purity: Min. 95%
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