Natamycin | High-Efficiency Antimycotic Compound | Wide Global Application

Short description

Natamycin is a pharmaceutically approved, natural antimycotic agent used predominantly for mold and yeast prevention. Its active ingredient, Pimaricin, facilitates high efficacy without impacting bacteria, allowing normal food maturation. Key applications include cheese, yogurt and sausage production, as well as use as an antifungal in pharmaceuticals. Its feature list includes:

  • Long Shelf Life: Its stability ensures longevity.
  • High Potency: Only small amounts are required for effective inhibition, reducing costs.
  • Minimal Sensory Impact: Does not alter the texture or flavor of food products.

Produced in Zhejiang, China, Natamycin meets global food safety and pharmaceutical regulations.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

Natamycin, also known as Pimaricin, is an acclaimed antimycotic compound that offers rigorous activity against a variety of molds, yeasts, and mycotoxins. Essentially derived from the bacterium Streptomyces natalensis, it serves as a natural antifungal agent primarily used in the food and beverage industry for preserving the shelf-life of an array of products.

Constituents and Properties

Holding 50% of the active substance, Natamycin proves to be an exceptionally efficient antimycotic solution. This enables the usage of meager quantities to effectively inhibit all molds and yeasts known to cause food spoilage and deterioration.

Selective Action and Application

Distinctively, Natamycin shows a selective action, focusing solely on molds and yeast and leaving bacteria untouched. This unique trait ensures the natural maturing process of food products like cheese, yogurt, fresh ham, and sausage, retaining the desired taste and texture throughout.

Safety Assured

With approvals from various global organizations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Union (EU), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Natamycin confirms its compliance with global safety and quality standards. It is primarily employed on food products' surfaces, thereby intensifying its assurance of safety.

Global Versatility

Natamycin features extensive worldwide utilization. Its proven efficacy and safety facilitate its usage across North and South America, Western and Eastern Europe, Australasia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Product Specifications

  • Natamycin with 50% active substance
  • Sourced from Zhejiang, China
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