2'-Deoxyadenosine: The Essential DNA Building Block and Multifunctional Cellular Molecule

Short description

2′-Deoxyadenosine: The Essential DNA Building Block and Multifunctional Cellular Molecule

  • Key Element: Foundational in DNA structure, replication, and genetic data transfer
  • Diverse Use: Applicable in R&D, Pharmaceuticals, Diagnostic Tests, and Bioengineering
  • High-Quality Controlled Synthesis: Guarantees improved effectiveness in genomic research
  • Storage Instructions: Store at -20°C in a dry, dark setting for best stability and lifespan
  • Enhanced Product Specifications:
  • Synthesis Method: Precision synthesis for optimal purity and consistency
  • Packaging Options: Available in various sizes suitable for different research needs
  • Application Examples:
    • Used in DNA sequencing to unravel genetic mysteries
    • Essential in the development of novel drug compounds
    • Enables the study of DNA repair mechanisms
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years

2'-Deoxyadenosine: The Essential DNA Building Block and Multifunctional Cellular Molecule

2'-Deoxyadenosine, a powerful purine nucleoside, is a cornerstone of DNA synthesis. This molecule comprises an adenine attached to a deoxyribose sugar molecule, enabling a multitude of crucial cellular functions.

  • Crucial for DNA Replication and Repair: 2'-Deoxyadenosine is vital for the transmission of genetic information during cell division. With its pivotal role in DNA repair mechanisms, it ensures genetic precision and stability.
  • Key Player in Signal Transduction: Beyond its primary purpose, 2'-Deoxyadenosine is involved in signal transduction, orchestrating intracellular and intercellular communication and control processes efficiently.
  • Promotes Energy Metabolism: As a nucleoside, 2'-Deoxyadenosine plays a significant role in cellular energy metabolism. It serves as a vital catalyst, powering many biological processes and maintaining cellular vitality.
  • Enabler of Synthesis Pathways: The synthesis of 2'-Deoxyadenosine can occur de novo from simplified molecules or via salvage pathways, thereby efficiently recycling the extracts from nucleic acid degradation.
  • Regulates Gene Expression: 2'-Deoxyadenosine plays an essential role in gene expression, ensuring accurate decoding and manifestation of genetic information, which ultimately characterizes and maintains life.

In summary, the significance of 2'-Deoxyadenosine in DNA replication and repair, signal transduction, energy metabolism, synthesis pathways, and gene expression cannot be overstated. Its role in these critical cellular processes underpins its importance in cellular biology and further highlights its value for research and commercial uses in genetic or cellular studies and biochemical applications. Opt for reliable and quality 2'-Deoxyadenosine to ensure the success of these vital endeavors.

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