70,000 liters Water Tank Kit - Superior, Durable, and Capacious Water Storage Solution

REF #: 001109
Short description

Master your water storage needs with the highly efficient 70,000 liters Water Tank Kit. This durable kit boasts robust construction from corrugated steel sheets– enhancing its longevity. It comes with a synthetic rubber liner, designed to withstand UV light, diverse temperature ranges, and chlorine exposure. The kit is easily assembled and portable, permitting varied use cases from emergency storage to large events. Plus, it features two distribution tap stands for smooth water access. Carry out water storage on a large scale with simplicity using this high-capacity, portable water tank kit.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

Introducing an ideal solution to your large-scale water storage requirements - our 70,000 liters Water Tank Kit. Aimed at providing a reliable and robust water storage facility, this kit is designed to cater to various purposes ranging from residential to industrial applications. Its structural robustness, easy installation, and efficiency make it an excellent choice for all water storage needs.

The 70,000 liters water tank kit boasts several unmatched features that distinguish it from its competitors:

  • Robustness and Durability: The cylindrical tank is fortified with corrugated steel sheets, ensuring maximum resilience. Its sturdy construction grants it immunity from probable damages, ensuring longevity.
  • User-Friendly Installation: No need to sweat over complex assembly procedures; our tank kit simplifies the installation process. It comes with step by step manual and required accessories to facilitate a stress-free setup.
  • Proactive Protection: The inner lining of the tank is made of high-quality synthetic rubber. It is immune to UV light, extreme temperature, and direct exposure to chlorinated water, protecting the stored water from any potential contaminants.
  • Efficient Water Distribution: Efficient water supply isn't an issue with our kit. It includes two sets of distribution tap stands designed for an evenly distributed water supply, adding to the efficiency of the water system.
  • Convenient Transportation: One might assume that a humongous 70,000-litre tank is tough to transport. However, the tank kit's compact design makes it easily portable, not compromising its structural integrity or capacity.

While the exact materials and components depend on the manufacturer's specifics, the construction principles, strength conditions, and chlorinated drinking water compatibility align with industry standards. With our 70,000 liters Water Tank Kit, you can enhance your water storage facilities and enjoy uninterrupted water supply.

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