Advanced Gene Recombinant Product for Superior Granulocyte Stimulation

REF #: 036024
Short description

Providing enhanced granulocyte stimulation, this product employs Advanced Gene Recombination Technology. The method attempts to maximize granulocyte count in peripheral blood, fortifying the immune system’s performance. Major characteristics:

  • Based on Gene Recombination Technology, it reproduces the biological activity of natural substances amping up effectiveness.
  • It has selective action on hematopoietic cells, supporting their proliferation and differentiation.
  • Boosts granulocyte count in peripheral blood contributing to a robust immune system.

Primarily containing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rHuG-CSF), it has a wide range of applications due to its critical function in cellular operation. This product should be used as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

The Advanced Gene Recombination Technology for Enhanced Granulocyte Stimulation is a game-changing biomedical product, designed to help stimulate the immune response, particularly in patients suffering from neutropenia due to chemotherapy. Leveraging the state-of-the-art gene recombination technology, our product delivers a superior-quality formulation of recombinant human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (rHuG-CSF) that mirrors the natural biological potency of organic rHuG-CSF.

This innovative product functions by selectively targeting hematopoietic cells. This specific targeting approach enables an amplification of granulocytes in the peripheral blood, thereby fortifying the body’s immune response and enhancing the functionality of the haemopoietic system. Among its many applications, the product is primarily utilised to combat infections in neutropenic patients, specifically those individuals undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

Produced in our cutting-edge factory in Shanghai, this product is guaranteed to adhere to superior production standards and safety regulations. Moreover, our extensive market reach ensures its availability across North America, Central/South America, Western and Eastern Europe, Australasia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, thereby making this life-altering technology accessible globally.

  • Groundbreaking Technology: Developed using gene recombination technology, which maintains the biological functionality of natural growth factors, thus ensuring efficacy within the human body.
  • Targeted Efficiency: Specifically designed to target hematopoietic cells, leading to an amplified production of functional granulocytes in peripheral blood, thereby enhancing the patient's immune responses.
  • Guaranteed Quality: The manufacturing process takes place in our advanced Shanghai-based facility, ensuring a high caliber product backed by rigorous oversight and adherence to safety norms.
  • Broad Availability: Regardless of where you reside, our distribution network enables this product to be accessible globally, making it possible for everyone to benefit.
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