Spectrocem Line Pressure Regulator LE 53: Ultimate Stability & Flexibility

REF #: 005968
Short description

Spectrocem Line Pressure Regulator LE 53 – Advanced Stability & Flexibility

Experience unrivaled pressure regulation competence with the 2-stage, stainless steel designed Spectrocem Line Pressure Regulator LE 53. Valued for immense stability and adaptability, it can serve various configurations via its multiple ports.

  • Delivers consistent outlet pressure for constant performance.
  • Accommodates configurations through 2 or 6 ports.
  • Useable with a diverse array of gases – corrosive, toxic, or gas mixtures with corrosive components.
  • Incorporates a centralized, efficient filtering system.
  • Handles high inlet pressures up to 300 bar and manageable max outlet pressures ranging between 1.5 to 20 bar.
  • Compact, lightweight, and designed for easy installation and oxygen compatibility.
  • Handwheel enables easy control of outlet pressure.
Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
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  • Ship Only

Spectrocem Line Pressure Regulator LE 53 – Outstanding Regulation, Advanced Stability & Flexibility

With a commitment to offering ultimate stability and flexibility, the Spectrocem Line Pressure Regulator LE 53 stands as a top-tier model of pressure regulation devices. By delivering precise control and reliable performance, it raises the bar in gas flow regulation technology.

This dual-stage regulator, constructed with high-quality materials such as stainless steel 316, PVDF, and Hastelloy C276, ensures robust performance and high durability. Its ability to withstand inlet pressures of up to 300 bars and deliver stable outlet pressures marks an innovative shift in gas regulation processes.

The Regulator LE 53 is a versatile asset. It can work with a wide array of gases, including toxic and corrosive gaseous and even gas mixtures containing corrosive components.

  • Its sturdy construction ensures minimal gas loss, boasting an impressive leak rate of 1 x 10-8 mbar l/s He.
  • It has suitability for an array of laboratory practices, courtesy of 2 to 6 ports available for various configurations.
  • An in-built central filter and anti-vibration unit facilitate uninterrupted and smooth gas flow.
  • The device is also ideal for Electron Capture Detector (ECD) applications.
  • Lending to its convenience aspect, it features a manual handwheel for easy outlet pressure adjustments.
  • The regulator provides a temperature range from -30°C to 60°C, suitable for an extensive range of environments.
  • The appliance is not just limited to hazardous gases: it has approval for oxygen use as well.
  • A high Cv-value of 0.11 guarantees efficient gas flow.

The Spectrocem Line Pressure Regulator LE 53, with an easy installation procedure, offers a substantial upgrade for industries, laboratories, and any process requiring a controlled gas flow. Its lightweight and compact design, coupled with its durable nature and excellent performance, makes it a powerful tool for all your pressure regulating needs.

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