Premium Superior-Grade Papain Enzyme – A Multifaceted Catalyst for Enhanced Digestion and Vitality

REF #: 003708
Short description
Superior-Grade Papain Enzyme: An exceptional, multi-functional enzyme formula designed for optimal digestion and vitality. This premium product has applications across various sectors, including food, pharmaceuticals, and protein modification.

  • Enzyme Activity: Rated between 400,000 and 800,000 u/g, depicting high potency.
  • Wide-Ranging Applications: Highly appreciated in food processing for enhancing flavor and texture. Also, a valuable asset in pharmaceutical processes and protein modifications.
  • Premium Quality Control: Manufactured under rigorous quality control protocols that ensure purity, efficacy, and safety.

This superior-grade Papain enzyme outperforms market competitors, making it a choice ingredient in numerous industries worldwide.

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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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Superior-Grade Papain Enzyme: A High-Potency Biocatalyst for Nutritional and Industrial Applications

Unleash the transformative health benefits of our premium-quality Papain Enzyme. Derived from the papaya fruit, this powerful catalyst is a hygroscopic, white to light brown-yellow amorphous powder known for its high enzymatic activity and wide solubility. It serves as a forceful protein degrader, thereby supporting optimum nutrient uptake and health rejuvenation.

With applications spanning across food and pharmaceutical industries, this enzyme represents a fusion of nature's force and scientific innovation, designed to foster superior digestion, health, and vitality.

  • High Enzymatic Activity: Registers an impressive activity range of 400,000 to 800,000 u/g, promoting effective protein breakdown and nutrient absorption.
  • Broad Solubility: Readily soluble in water and glycerin, offering versatile application possibilities.
  • Food Industry Applications: Amplifies texture and flavor of soy foods, tenderizes meats, enhances beer brewing processes, and boosts dough elasticity for baked goods.
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits: Indispensable in protein purification and preservation for pharmaceutical products, promising consistent product quality and longevity.
  • Protein Modification: Facilitates enzymatic alteration of proteins, enabling the development of innovative structures and functionalities.

Product Overview:

Our Superior-Grade Papain Enzyme exemplifies the synthesis of nature's wisdom and modern innovation. It presents a simple yet effective means to support digestion, enhance health, and drive vitality—in both personal and industrial settings.

The enzyme's high activity range underscores its proficiency in breaking down proteins and stimulating nutrient absorption. The ease with which it dissolves in water and glycerin enhances its utility across varied applications.

Commercial users in both the food and the pharmaceutical sectors stand to reap significant benefits from this robust enzyme. The food industry can leverage it for diverse applications including meat tenderization, beer brewing, enhancement of soy foods, and baking. The pharmaceutical industry, on the other hand, can utilize it to purify proteins and extend the lifespan of their products.

At the heart of this enzyme's capability is its talent for protein modification. It proficiently attacks proteins, modifying them as needed and opening up countless possibilities for creating novel protein structures and functionalities.

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