API Pilot Reaction Plant – Industrial-Grade Solution for Efficient Chemical Reactions

REF #: 022429
Short description

Experience streamlined chemical processing with our premium API Pilot Reaction Plant. Enhance your manufacturing capabilities with a customizable range of 10L to 500L volume. Key features include a reaction vessel, mixing system, vacuum system, and condenser. Adapt your heating and cooling methods with jacket-based or inner pipe coil cooling options. Equipped with both explosion-proof and standard electrical devices, control is enabled through a touch-screen or button control. *Note: Certain product specifics may vary.

Quantity :
  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
Delivery options
  • 7 Days Return Back Policy
  • 2 Days Cancellation Policy
  • Ship Only

The API Pilot Reaction Plant, a state-of-the-art industrial-grade solution offered by ProcureNet Limited, revolutionizes chemical reaction processes. This technologically advanced unit caters to a wide array of applications and is designed for precision and dependability, making it an essential piece of equipment for many industries.

Key Features:

  • Scalable Working Volume: The reaction plant's working volume can be scaled from 10L to 500L, providing a versatile environment for both small scale and pilot scale production.
  • Robust Components: The plant includes a reaction vessel, a vacuum system, a condenser, a storage tank, a preheating system for conduction oil, and various other essential and customizable components that aid in process efficiency.
  • Heating and Cooling Systems: The plant possesses a heating jacket and a cooling jacket alongside an internal pipe coil for effective temperature management during reactions.
  • Device Options: The plant can accommodate both explosion-proof and regular electrical devices, offering a choice based on safety requirements.
  • Control Modes: Users can opt for a touchscreen or traditional button control system based on their comfort and requirements.

With the API Pilot Reaction Plant, expect top-tier scalability, customization and operational safety. It promises to enhance your chemical reaction processes, making it an exceptional addition to your production facility.

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