2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR - Research and Development Chemical Compound

REF #: 3103179
Short description

2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR

  • Chemical Name: 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR
  • Molecular Formula: C10H10Cl2N4
  • Molecular Weight: 256.12 g/mol
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  • Procurenet Team Tshim Sha Tsui
    Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 years
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2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR

Welcome to the world of innovative research and development with 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR! This cutting-edge chemical compound, with the chemical formula C10H10Cl2N4 and a molecular weight of 256.12 g/mol, is revolutionizing the field of scientific discovery. Whether you are a seasoned researcher or a curious student, this remarkable product will captivate your interest and open doors to numerous possibilities.


2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR is meticulously formulated using the finest quality raw materials and stringent manufacturing processes. Its composition consists of:

  • Carbon (C) atoms: 10
  • Hydrogen (H) atoms: 10
  • Chlorine (Cl) atoms: 2
  • Nitrogen (N) atoms: 4


Embodying a wide range of remarkable features, 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR offers researchers and scientists the following advantages:

  • High Purity: This compound is synthesized to offer an exceptionally high level of purity, ensuring reliability and reproducibility in scientific experiments and analyses.
  • Stable Structure: 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR exhibits excellent stability under various conditions, making it a dependable and consistent choice for a multitude of applications.
  • Distinctive Chemical Properties: With its unique chemical structure, this compound possesses distinctive properties that can be harnessed for specific purposes, allowing researchers to explore new avenues of scientific exploration.
  • Enhanced Solubility: 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR exhibits enhanced solubility in various solvents, facilitating convenient and efficient usage in research laboratories.
  • Compatibility: This compound is compatible with a wide range of other chemicals, enabling researchers to combine it with complementary compounds to achieve desired results.


2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR finds its applications in diverse scientific disciplines, opening up new possibilities and avenues of exploration. Some of the key applications of this compound include:

  • Drug Discovery: Due to its unique properties, this compound serves as a valuable tool in the development of novel pharmaceuticals. Its structure enables researchers to investigate its potential for therapeutic purposes.
  • Chemical Synthesis: With its distinctive chemical properties, 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR finds utility in the synthesis of complex organic compounds, contributing to advancements in the field of chemical research.
  • Biotechnology: Researchers utilize this compound in various biotechnological applications, such as genetic engineering and DNA manipulation, to further our understanding of the intricacies of life.
  • Materials Science: Its compatibility with a wide range of other chemicals makes 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR an essential component in the development of innovative materials with enhanced properties.

For further information on the safety precautions and handling guidelines related to 2,6-dichloro-9-propyl-9H-purine CPR, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). It contains comprehensive information to ensure the safe and responsible usage of this product.

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